Monday, July 22, 2024


Group photo of participants of the joint meeting between TMA and UNDP, which was held on 19th July, 2024 at Morena Hotel, in Dodoma City.

Co-Chair of the meeting from TMA, Acting Director General of TMA, Permanent Representative of Tanzania with WMO and Vice Chair of IPCC, delivering remarks during the joint meeting between TMA and UNDP held on 19th July, 2024 at Morena Hotel, in Dodoma City. On his right hand side is the Co-Chair from UNDP Mr, Godfrey Mulisa, Senior Governance Adviser at UNDP

Co-Chair of the meeting from UNDP Mr, Godfrey Mulisa Senior Governance Adviser at UNDP (on the right hand side) delivering remarks during the joint meeting between TMA and UNDP held on 19th July, 2024 at Morena Hotel, in Dodoma City.

Co- Chair of the meeting between TMA and UNDP (Dr. Ladislaus Chang’a on the left handside and  Mr. Godfrey Mulisa on the right hand side)  seated facing the participants of the meeting when they co-chaired the meeting on 19th July, 2024.

Dodoma, Tanzania; 19th July, 2024.


Tanzania Meteorological Authority and UNDP conducted a joint meeting whose objective was to initiate the preparatory phase of the implementation of the Systematic Observation Facility Fund (SOFF) project in Tanzania. The meeting was held on 19th July, 2024 in Dodoma.


The meeting was Co-Chaired by the Acting Director General of TMA, Permanent Representative of Tanzania with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) who is also the Vice Chair of The Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Dr. Ladislaus Chang'a and Mr Godfrey Mulisa, Senior Governance Adviser at UNDP who represented the Resident Representative of UNDP in Tanzania.


The objective of the meeting was to deliberate on the preparation  of  draft working tools prepared by the Project Technical Coordination Committee (PTCC). The documents which were presented for review and guidance by the Co-Chairs include the Work Plan for the SOFF Project implementation in Tanzania during July – December, 2024; Terms of Reference of the Project Technical Coordination Committee (PTCC); and Terms of Reference of the Project Steering Committee (PSC) at National level. The meeting also deliberated on the high level launching event of SOFF project which is scheduled to take place by September, 2024.


In their opening remarks, both Co-Chairs from TMA and UNDP appreciated the great work done and commitment shown by the PTCC in preparing the documents. The Permanent Representative of Tanzania with WMO also emphasized on the Tanzania commitment to the implementation of SOFF and insisted the PTCC to continue with the commitment to ensure successful implementation of SOFF project in Tanzania and that it leaves a legacy in the whole value chain of provision of weather and climate services in Tanzania and becomes a roll model to others. "We are committed in ensuring that the implementation of SOFF project in Tanzania will leave a long-lasting legacy not only in Africa but to all developing countries across the world. That's why we are putting all the necessary efforts and have assembled a very strong competent team in all the required areas of implementation process so as to ensure everything proceeds as planned" said Dr Chang'a. Dr Chang'a also thanked the UNDP for their continued support in this process. Mr. Godfrey Mulisa, Senior Governance Adviser at UNDP who represented the UNDP Resident Representative,  Mr. Shigeki Komatsubara also thanked TMA for the commitment shown in  continuing  with the good existing partnership between TMA with UNDP. 


"I would like to thank TMA for the very good leadership and commitment, you have really demonstrated that you really qualified to be part of this programme, and the reason we are here in the investment phase of the project." Said Mr Mulisa. PTCC is a technical body that has been formulated at National level of SOFF project governance in Tanzania to report to the PSC. The meeting was considered as a pre-meeting of the SOFF Project Steering Committee, which is planned to take place before the official launching of the project. SOFF is a United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund (UN MPTF) co-established by WMO, UNDP and the UNEP at COP26. It is a specialized UN climate fund to support countries in closing the Global Basic Observing Network (GBON) weather and climate data gaps, especially in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS).


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